Again, at 2 am, I think I hear Kamryn crying. I get up, walk out my bedroom towards her room, and yes, there she is STANDING in her doorway with her blanket and bedroom light on! Oh my, please no climbing out during the night! She was looking for her pacifier, which we refer to as Nuk-E (I so have to get rid of this last one before she turns three, I just cut another one this week) Then she tells me she wants to eat. Honestly, I don't think I've seen Kamryn eat so much as she has in the last few days. After that bug, she's turned into this bottomless pit. I suspect she's going through a growth spurt. I recently started recognizing this pattern of her waking during the night (to eat) when she's growing. So beware moms of littler ones! Try to notice if your little one does the same thing.
So it's 2 am, we're both sitting criss cross applesauce on her bedroom floor having a cereal pow wow. She's picking up one honey smack at a time and putting them in her mouth. I decide I'm hungry too so I pick up three at a time and start eating with her. Then she starts picking up a huge handful and shoving them in her mouth. Oh my, and she's learned this from me. (although I didn't pick up a whole handful but what difference does it make) At least we'll get through the bowl faster and can get back to bed.
Nope. Now she wants music on and wants us to dance. So instead of putting up a fight and risking her waking Brendan who is sleeping in the next room, we dance and she twirls under my arm.
There is no way I am getting her back in her crib without a fight. She seems wide awake. Since my bed is empty (Kevin's out of town) we head into my room. I know this is a bad thing to start, especially because I know what it's like to have a toddler come in your room every night once they move into a big boy bed. (named Matt) But I need sleep . . . I stayed up until midnight again and need to get up at 6:30 to get Matt off for a field trip . . . and then I am watching Gavin in the morning too. I really need my energy:)
She finally drifts off happy and we are snuggled together in my bed. She's still there . . . snoozing . . . dreaming . . . honey smack stuck to her bottom and all.