Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Reflections on a year ago

Last year at this time the boys were sleeping, and Kevin and I were confident that we had everything covered as we triple checked our packing list. Our suitcases were at the door ready to go. We were about to travel half way across the world to meet our daughter for the first time.

Today we are getting hugs and kisses from Kamryn all the time. She is home to enjoy this holiday season, even though our home is changing in a couple of weeks. It's funny how things can change so drastically in just one year, one month, one day, one moment. Makes me realize it's better to live more in the moment and enjoy the blessings of each day. Today we are blessed with the wonderful memory of the beginning of our China trip and our journey to Kamryn.


Anonymous said...

Boy a year went really fast, didn't it. You always seem to be packing for something around this time. Now it's your house, rather than your suitcases. What a great year it has been for all of you though! I meant to comment on Kam's new words too "whoa & ugh-oh" were those the ones? I wish I could hear her say them. Kids know soooo much. She probably knows you can rewind the movie and see it again.

Enjoy your holiday as much as you can. You'll be pretty busy soon unpacking once again.



Anonymous said...

My goodness! Gottch Day is here already. It doesn't seem possible. I also can't picture life without Kamryn. She's such a joy. She learned fast how to get what she wants. Be it a bananna or a cup of water or to want to go outside. She's a busy girl. She's also learned how to keep the whole family busy. She walks a mile a minute. Someone is always on her trail. What a joy!!!
May the coming year be just as delightful as this past one.
Thanks for the update.
Love ya, Mom