Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Brendan's Civil War Days

The whole fifth grade class did a unit on the Civil War. It concluded with a music program at school and then a classroom tour of each student's "masterpieces."

Brendan actually chiseled this bar of soap! Looks pretty cool! His cereal box was one of the best I think too (if I don't say so myself). It was all his idea although his dad did help him a bit on the cereal box project.

Brendan had his own fan club there that night. Grandma and Aunt Bernice came with us. We all enjoyed the American music and seeing all of Brendan's work. We are so proud of him!


Anonymous said...

How Cool!!! You have quite an artist on your hands. What a unique way to teach the kids too. Way to go Brendan!! I love that winning smile too.

All my love,


Julie said...

Nice work Brendan. Ethan loved the Civil War unit this year. Now what to do with his replica of the battle of Franklin?

Anonymous said...

So nice to see Brendan's project pictures. They sure had a nice program that night. Bren did such a good job on everything he did for the evening. The drawing, the carving and the singing.
Way to go Brendan!!!!
We're looking forward to their next exhibit.
