Thursday, October 26, 2006

Change is Hard

SOMETIMES YOU JUST NEED TO LOOK AT THE WORLD IN A DIFFERENT WAY. I often tell the boys to keep a positive outlook on things, to find the good in any situation. It's hard to teach how to see the glass half full rather than half empty, so I guess I just need to set a good example. Maybe I can help them learn how to have a more optimistic attitude in life even when you are thrown a curve ball.

I started this posting on October 1st and meant to talk about how our neighborhood got redistricted and Brendan was struggling with attending a new elementary school this year. Now this topic just hits home even more because alot has changed since October 2nd when we found out that we are being relocated back to the Chicago area. Ever since then we have been living on the fast forward button with house hunting, cleaning/organizing this house to get ready to sell, and of course the emotions that come with change.

Yes, we will back by my parents, sister and her family, extended family and dear friends too. So we are happy about that. But truthfully, we are very sad too because in spite of us not wanting to come to Indiana 4 years ago, we have made this home and have made wonderful friends who have become like family to us here.

It's hard to see your kids hurting and crying. It was Brendan before, but now it is Matthew. He just sobs when thinking of leaving his friends here and starting over at a new school. (His friends back in Chicago are all older than him and not in the same schools.)

Lucky for Kamryn she is young enough to not know what is going on. As long as we stay constant for her, she stays happy. I am sad for her though that she will miss "Chinese baby playgroup" every Friday morning (okay, I'm sad I'll miss it too). She just loves her preschool now (and I love the 2 hours on Mondays and Wednesdays to run errands). She has a terrific fan club here full of our other wonderful neighbors and friends that supported her (and us!) so much while she was making the journey from China to home in Indiana. Everyone here is so genuine, friendly and so giving of themselves, always ready to lend a helping hand. I will miss everyone here very much.

The positive thing is that, like we were told before, it is only a short 3-4 hour drive away. I tell Matt that we are lucky that it's back to Chicago we go, instead of somewhere farther away. We can easily come back to visit, and we will! We've done the drive a million times and can do it in our sleep. Of course our friends are always welcome to stay with us anytime when they come for a visit to the big windy city. Time is best spent with those that you care about, and we will stay in touch. Like we've learned, the road to a friends house is never long.


Anonymous said...


Oh my goodness, you've made me cry!! What a good and sensitive mom you are. It's going to be hard on everyone, but like you said, you will get through it. Those of us who will get you guys back are thrilled, but we also feel the pain you must be feeling about leaving the place you've called home for the last four years. The boys will learn another tough lesson of life and you and Kev will guide them through it. Know that you have a shoulder to cry on (through the phone) if you need one.

Give my love to everyone. And what an adorable picture of Kam (does she ever take a bad one?!?!?

Love always,


Anonymous said...

What a huge surprise. I have enjoyed the pictures of your family and the updates. I some how still feel very connected to you even though we don't get a chance to talk. I wish your family all the best and glad that your relocation is back home. It may be difficult on the boys at the beginning but the core of your family seems very strong.

Welcome back HOME!
Sandy Schuh

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for a very interesting posting. I don't have to tell you how happy I am that your family will relocate back in our area. I am thrilled!!!! I am sorry for you tho, I know how much you like your home and your friends down in Carmel. Your friends down there made your move four years ago so much easier. They welcomed you with open arms. This is something that you will never forget. I also know how the boys are hurting. I remember how I felt when you left Naperville. I'll do everything in my power to make you feel at home again.
Thanks again for an interesting posting.
Love, Mom