Well yesterday was a bit stressful for me and Scooter. I noticed in the morning that she was acting differently . . . laying with her head down on her bedding, stretching out her legs and rolling over to lie on her back. Then she'd sit up on her hind legs and then her body would sort of "hiccup" and I swear she was having contractions. So when the boys got home from school, we took Scooter to an animal hospital. The vet examined her and confirmed that she is pregnant so our instincts have been right all along. She showed me how to feel for the separating of bones in her pelvic area which is a sign that labor is coming. She said she could feel at least two babies but there could be more. She didn't seem to think Scooter was in distress so no c-section would be necessary at this point. She felt that Scooter's body is just getting ready and told us that the pups would be born shortly. She asked if she could take Scooter back to show the other doctors and nurses because it's very rare that they see a pregnant guinea pig. I should have asked for a discounted rate on the visit since we were helping them out:)
This morning we all woke up expecting to see mini-pigs but we didn't. So we are still waiting for the birth. The doctor did recommend different food pellets for us to give Scooter since she is pregnant and will be nursing. I can't believe I've turned into a guinea pig "midwife" as my friend Kendra called me. This idea of "sure we can get a pet" has really turned into an adventure!
Ha! I've heard it all now ... a c-section for a guinea pig!?!
Good luck ... and can't wait to see pictures of the wee little ones!
Awww.... how exciting to know you'll soon have some little ones running around the house!;)
Hope Scooter is feeling better and I'm sure it will be a thrilling night for all of you when she gives birth!
LOL My daughter, The Midwife!!!
Scooter is lucky she has you. She is getting a lot of TLC. This is an education for everyone!! A c-section??? I don't think so.
Good luck!!
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