Yes, she is cute. Yes, she is three. Need I say more? I now remember why I thought the 3's were more terrible than the 2's with the boys . . . it's happening again with a girl too! It's that stage of wanting to be independent and yet wanting to still be a baby. It's the "I'll do it myself" at getting dressed, brushing teeth, and doing projects that end up like this when mom isn't looking.
Or peeing on her carpet because I don't know why . . . because she isn't "training" at all even though she can do it. She just hasn't decided to do it, and that 3 year old stubbornness is so powerful! The stinker can change her own diaper independently. (and she does a very good job of it too! If that doesn't scream that she is so past ready to go on the potty and be a big girl . . . those pull-ups just don't work well overnight; why we have both products in the house. I know I need to bite the bullet and stay in for a few days with real pants and get over the messes she'll make.)
She'll ask to be held like a baby in one breath and then two seconds later she's saying, "that's enough."
She's coming in bed with us every night. Who really has the energy to fight it at 2 am? It's just so much easier to help her up and tuck her back in even if it is right next to me. Quite honestly, when she falls asleep in our bed, we get a whole nights rest. Don't tell the experts . . . but I see a family bed thing happening here. Matt did that too, but he grew out of it. The downside, besides her sleeping sideways alot, is that she is waking up early with me when I get up with Matt at 6:30 am. And then napping at too late of an hour in the day which prevents her from going to bed at a "normal" three year old time.
Truthfully, she has been driving me crazy.
Thankfully, I've stumbled across articles in Parent's Magazine that confirm that it's an age thing. Not the sleep issues I'm sure, but everything else seems to be a stage. She will get through this confusing time of figuring out how to be a big girl and still get loving. I will get through this time of either being wanted all the time or none of the time. A little sleep would make things easier I'm sure. All in time I guess.
P.S. Did you notice the pigtails? She never lets me do anything with her hair, but this day SHE DECIDED she wanted to look like her doll. See her own terms again. She went to speech class Tuesday like this and of course brought along the doll.
P.S.S. Can you read between the lines . . . it's so a transition time for mom too. I want to keep her my baby since she's my last, yet I want her to be a big girl too. So it's so hard to play the tough love card yet I know the sooner I am more firm with some of these things, the better off we'll both be. Ugh!
ok, your 3 yr. old daughter sounds like my just turned 3yr. old boy! OHHHH-the 2's were bad, hoping they'll get better in the 3's! :)
Our children could be twins when you describe the sleep issues. Every night he wakes up-every night! ugh! Good luck! ;)
Be patient Julie. On her next birthday, she will be four!!! Then you can sit back and laugh at the terrible two's and three's.
I think Kami needs to spend a night at Grandma's house, so the rest of the Ahearn's get a good night sleep!!
Be patient, she'll grow out of this phase.
Love ya, Mom
Oooohhh. The 3s. What fun!! I'm sure the potty issue is especially frustrating. To push it or not, that is the big question. She is also going through a lot with catching up w/ her speech, so maybe the potty training is her way of holding onto her baby days. Way too soon you'll be sitting at her college graduation wondering where the time went!!!
After potty training 3 I will say she'll do it when she's ready which I'm sure you know. My heart aches at what you're going through because I'm sure I'll be there next year. WE want them to grow up but we will miss those baby years too. Hang in there, you are an amazing mama even when she challenges you.
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