Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's finally done!

I've been putting off cleaning out Kamryn's closet, but I'm proud to say the job is done! That's because I've been forced to clean it since the weather is starting to change:) When shopping for some back to school clothes for the boys, I found some slim little 2T jeans and khaki pants for Kamryn at Kohl's. It was a big accomplishment that made me very happy! (the Sonoma brand, in case you need little waists too) Since she's still such a peanut, it's hard to find pants that fit her little waist and are the right length. Luckily there are a lot of stores that sell pants with those adjustable waist bands too, gotta love them. All summer she's still been wearing 18 mos shorts. Clothes shopping for Kamryn is so much more fun than clothes shopping for the boys. I really don't have to buy too much for her though because lucky for us, she's got some cute stuff already in her closet thanks to our friends who give us great hand-me-downs. Maybe Kevin won't notice those cute black fashion boots I had to buy for Kamryn one day while shopping with Tina and Lilly or any other future purchase then because they'll just mix right in.

Last weekend, some college friends of ours (Tina & Ken) were in town from Massachusetts with their kiddos. (in the picture with Kamryn) They were able to squeeze in a visit with us, which we were glad for. It was the first time they met Kamryn and by the end of the visit, Kamryn was passing out hugs and kisses like she's known them forever. She is such a little lovey.

The boys have started playing Lacrosse again on Sunday afternoons. They are actually on the same team which is really nice for us. Kamryn has her own little stick and likes to pretend to play lacrosse outside with her brothers. More pictures soon . . .

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